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Search results: "Manuscripts"

218 items found in 17 collections [showing 41 - 60]


Yad Daṿid, ḥeleḳ revi'i, kerekh sheni
Shelal Daṿid
Yad Daṿid, ḥeleḳ shelishi, kerekh rishon
Tif'eret Yiśra'el
Sefer ha-'itim
Pinḳas Proṭoḳol (Volume 1)
Pinḳas Proṭoḳol (Volume 2)
ʻEzri mi-ḳodesh, ḥeleḳ rishon
Yad Daṿid, ḥeleḳ shelishi, kerekh sheni : ṿe-hem ḥidushe B.B. ṿe-ḥidushe ʻA.Z. ʻad daf 67 …
Shene perushim ʻal ha-Sifre
ʻEzri mi-ḳodesh, ḥeleḳ sheni
Yalkut : anthology of Talmudic sayings arranged according to the order of the Biblical books
Bass, manuscript 19
Soprano, manuscript 54
Choral Music for Sabbath, Festivals and High Holidays, manuscript 111
Choral Selections Soprano-Alto Parts, manuscript 25
Shalosh Regalim, Yamim Noraim - Choral - by Zeidel Rovner, manuscript 38
Pinkas of Kempen
Pinḳas ha-ḳahal shel ḳ.ḳ. Ḳempen, 1747-1812
