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Online Exhibits

Echoes of Auras: Memorbuch of a Jewish Community

 The Auras Memorbuch is an example of the art of manuscript decoration that experienced a renaissance in Central Europe in the 18th century. The Memorbuch was written and illustrated by Binyamin Ze'ev (Wolff  Jacob) of Kempen in Breslau in 1765, and dedicated in the neighboring community of Auras in 1803.



 Einstein and Yeshiva University

 The exhibit celebrates the centennial of the seminal scientific articles Einstein published in 1905, the 75th anniversary of Yeshiva College and the 50th anniversary of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine.   The exhibit explores the relationship between Einstein and the University during its formative years and his interactions with its first two presidents.




 Prague Bible

  The Prague Bible is an illuminated manuscript of the Bible (Tanakh) in three volumes, with Rashi's commentary. It was completed in Prague in 1489.