Hussein-PLO game! Not Israel's blame!
Pamyat = KGB: Gorbachev, who are you with?
Pamyat = KGB: Gorbachev, who are you with? (translation from Russian)
Pamyat - Stop Soviet anti-Semitism
Some unrefreshing facts about Pepsi
Channel 13-PBS - the PLO loves you!
Say NYET (No - translation from Russian) to Pamyat
PLO: even your "friends" don't want terrorists!
Stop Kremlin-PLO terror!
France: Liberté for terror? Egalité for PLO? Fraternité with Jews?
Hell no PLO!
Sylva Zalmanson's final testimony at her trial
Prisoner of the Soviet secret police - Amner Zavurov
Prisoner of Zion in the USSR (translation from Hebrew) - Roald Zelichonok
Refusenik - trapped in Russia! Roald & Galina Zelichonok
Prisoner of the Soviet secret police - Zachar Zunshein
Map of Israel (Russian language)
"The continued migration of Jews to Israel constitutes a grave danger to the Arab nation…"
Israel must defend its holiest site
