It's Tisha B'Av every day in the Gulag!
Speak out for silent Soviet Jewry
1984…Big Brother is watching them. Our brothers are waiting for us.
Send a Rosh Hashana card to Soviet Jews $1.00
Kremlin: stop murder of Jewish souls!
Tisha B'Av for prisoners & refuseniks in USSR
Solidarity with mass USSR hunger strike
Soviet Jews hunger strike for exit visas
Fanya Fradkin isn't laughing. Neither are Russia's other 2,999,999 Jews.
Prisoner of the Soviet secret police - Kim Fridman
Prisoner of the Soviet secret police - Grigory Geishis
Prisoner of the Soviet secret police - Joseph Begun
Prisoner of the Soviet secret police - Joseph Begun
Prisoner of the Soviet secret police - Joseph Berenstein
Prisoner of the Soviet secret police - Evgeny Aisenberg
In America, you have to kill someone to get 12 years in prison. In Russia, you may just have to teach Hebrew.
KGB - Bolshoi - Oppression
Murdered by the KGB - Col. Yefim Davidovich
Let my people live! No pogroms!
[Brezhnev] [Andropov] [Chernenko] - Heavenly punishment for tyrants?
