In America, you have to kill someone to get 12 years in prison. In Russia, you may just have to teach Hebrew.
KGB - Bolshoi - Oppression
Gulag-MVD: Geographical distribution of concentration camps and special psychiatric hospitals
Murdered by the KGB - Col. Yefim Davidovich
Let my people live! No pogroms!
Pamyat = KGB: Gorbachev, who are you with? (translation from Russian)
Pamyat - Stop Soviet anti-Semitism
Some unrefreshing facts about Pepsi
KGB: stop persecuting unofficial Hebrew teachers
KGB's imposed darkness - our light of freedom!
Stop Kremlin-PLO terror!
Say NYET (No - translation from Russian) to Pamyat
Pamyat = KGB: Gorbachev, who are you with?
You must answer for your evildoings! (translation from Russian)
Protest oppression of the Jewish community in the Soviet Union
1984…Big Brother is watching them. Our brothers are waiting for us.
Send a Rosh Hashana card to Soviet Jews $1.00
Let my people go
It's a tough place to live. It's a tougher place to leave.
Fascism will not succeed! (translation from Russian)
