We urge you President Bush: speak out for Soviet Jewry!
Mr. Nixon, take our message to Moscow
Channel 13-PBS - the PLO loves you!
Shame on the criminals (translation from Russian)
Stop! (translation from Russian)
You must answer for your evildoings! (translation from Russian)
"The web of Zionist intrigue"
Zionism is the Fascism of today
Zionism is the Fascism of today! (translation from Russian)
One of the anti-Semitic cartoons from the recent Soviet book "Poison of Zionism"
"The continued migration of Jews to Israel constitutes a grave danger to the Arab nation…"
America, it's on your conscience to free Sharansky, Prisoner of Conscience
Victims of Arab "peace": Kurds gassed, Lebanese slaughtered, Soviet Jews next?
Dismantle the White House East Wing!
"Days of Rage" is financed by Arab $
"Days of Rage" is an outrage
These Jews are missing
Stop Arab plot against Israel!
UN and Bush: take a moral stand
