Bolshoi: Soviet Jews have nothing to sing about!
Pamyat = KGB: Gorbachev, who are you with?
Pamyat = KGB: Gorbachev, who are you with? (translation from Russian)
Some unrefreshing facts about Pepsi
Sylva Zalmanson's final testimony at her trial
Prisoner of Zion in the USSR (translation from Hebrew) - Roald Zelichonok
Refusenik - trapped in Russia! Roald & Galina Zelichonok
Prisoner of the Soviet secret police - Zachar Zunshein
Refusenik - trapped in Russia! Vladimir Slepak
Kidnapped! Marina Tiemkin: Soviet Jewish teenager
Soviet Jews today: a personal account
Refusenik - trapped in Russia! Grigory Wasserman
Freedom (translation from Russian) for Shcharansky
Welcome Anatoly Sharansky
Ex-Prisoner of the Soviet secret police - Anatoly Sharansky
Is Sharansky still alive?
Refusenik - trapped in Russia! Elena Sheiba
Mikhail Shirman 1954-1987
Link US-USSR trade with emigration
Shema Yisrael (Hear O Israel)
