Send a Rosh Hashana card to Soviet Jews $1.00
Kremlin: stop murder of Jewish souls!
Tisha B'Av for prisoners & refuseniks in USSR
Solidarity with mass USSR hunger strike
Soviet Jews hunger strike for exit visas
Prisoner of the Soviet secret police - Joseph Begun
Prisoner of the Soviet secret police - Joseph Begun
Prisoner of the Soviet secret police - Joseph Berenstein
"The continued migration of Jews to Israel constitutes a grave danger to the Arab nation…"
Undivided Jerusalem: capital of Israel!
Fly them to freedom - direct flights to Israel!
Anti-semitism in the Soviet Union is growing...
Promised by Russia - refused to Jews
Some Russian students have to work a little harder…if they want to emigrate
Victims of Arab "peace": Kurds gassed, Lebanese slaughtered, Soviet Jews next?
Call to conscience
Let my people go! Red background
Let my people go! Black background
The Jews of Russia - let them go!
The Begun tribunal: the trial of a Soviet dissident
