Prisoner of the Soviet secret police - Grigory Goldstein
Refusenik - trapped in Russia! Alexander Lerner
Prisoner of the Soviet secret police - Yakov Levin
Refusenik - trapped in Russia! Alexi Magarik
Hosting human rights conference - denying human rights to Soviet Jewry
Freedom Sunday: Summit mobilization for Soviet Jews
Refusenik - Pavel Abramovich
Prisoner of the Soviet secret police - Evgeny Aisenberg
Welcome Yuli Edelshtein (translation from Hebrew)
Prisoner of Zion in the USSR (translation from Hebrew) - Yuly Edelshtein
Prisoner of the Soviet secret police - Kim Fridman
Prisoner of the Soviet secret police - Grigory Geishis
Prisoner of the Soviet secret police - Joseph Begun
Prisoner of the Soviet secret police - Joseph Begun
Prisoner of the Soviet secret police - Joseph Berenstein
Murdered by the KGB - Col. Yefim Davidovich
Prisoner of the Soviet secret police - Victor Brailovsky
Refusenik - trapped in Russia! Victor Brailovsky
Be part of the Washington Lobby - Feb. 23, 1984
Link US-USSR trade with emigration
