We urge you President Bush: speak out for Soviet Jewry!
Prisoner of the Soviet secret police - Vladimir Slepak
Link US-USSR trade with emigration
Shema Yisrael (Hear O Israel)
Détente with honor - save Soviet Jews!
The ironies of Soviet Jewish religious life
Limit missiles not freedom!
Freedom Sunday: Summit mobilization for Soviet Jews
No bull in Madrid!
Thou shalt not stand idly by
Concerned Americans raise their voices
Dismantle the White House East Wing!
We take threats seriously!
Mr. Nixon, take our message to Moscow
Bolshoi: Soviet Jews have nothing to sing about!
Portraits of Infamy
Moscow Chamber Orchestra plays, Sharansky burns
Say NYET (No - translation from Russian) to Pamyat
Pamyat = KGB: Gorbachev, who are you with?
Pamyat = KGB: Gorbachev, who are you with? (translation from Russian)
