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174 items found in 19 collections [showing 41 - 60]


N'ilo and Kol Nidre Service, manuscript 104
Cantorial Recitatives, High Holidays, manuscript 105
Cantorial Recitatives, manuscript 8
P'suke D'zimro for Sabbath and Festival, manuscript 22
Recitatives, manuscripts 21
Link US-USSR trade with emigration
Shema Yisrael (Hear O Israel)
Détente with honor - save Soviet Jews!
Limit missiles not freedom!
No trade, no aid till Soviet Jews are free
Dismantle the White House East Wing!
"Days of Rage" is an outrage
"Days of Rage" is financed by Arab $
Helene Kenvin interview
Rosh Hashana (Musaf), manuscript 28
Mr. Nixon, take our message to Moscow
Channel 13-PBS - the PLO loves you!
Selihot and Yom Kipur Selections, manuscript 27
Friday Evening Service and Recitatives for Sabbath and Festival, manuscript 26
