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85 items found in collection [showing 1 - 20]


Prisoner of the Soviet secret police - Vladimir Slepak
Mr. Nixon, take our message to Moscow
Bolshoi: Soviet Jews have nothing to sing about!
Moscow Chamber Orchestra plays, Sharansky burns
Pamyat - Stop Soviet anti-Semitism
Some unrefreshing facts about Pepsi
Stop Kremlin-PLO terror!
France: Liberté for terror? Egalité for PLO? Fraternité with Jews?
Hell no PLO!
Fly them to freedom - direct flights to Israel!
Let my people go! Red background
Let my people go! Black background
The Jews of Russia - let them go!
Link US-USSR trade with emigration
Détente with honor - save Soviet Jews!
Even his ring
Soviets seek "Final Solution" against Jews
Boris Penson: art of a Soviet prisoner
Remember Soviet Jews every day!
Limit missiles not freedom!
